Club Random (六): Sam Goku
“The year is slowly coming to an end and what a year it was. Music gave me the opportunity to travel places, play for communities that I could only dream of just a blink of an eye ago. It let me be who I am and showed me once again what incredible bliss being with the right people in the right place at the right moment can bring.
One of my goals this year was to play more shows and gain experience as a dj. Sometimes it felt like I was succeeding, sometimes it felt like things went astray – especially times when I tried to prove something to people that I was something I am not. There was euphoria and empty dancefloors, doubts next to high spirits – but in the end it feels like it was all well worth it.
With all this in mind I sat(!) down and recorded club random (六). The mix felt like a 2h long meditation. It’s colourful and fluid, sometimes dark yet bright, airy and dense all at the same time. Hope you enjoy the ride.” Sam Goku.